Some of our goto tools on the web when we need to grab some stuff fast . . .
am Charts
Javascript | CSS | SVG | Map & charts
W3 Schools
Just about every reference to every useful web mark-up or language you can think of laid out in an easy to follow/find format
Clipping Paths | Area Coordinates
Stylish tool to generate shape coordinates ideal for SVG and mapping work
Regular Expresions
Takes the guess work out of working with Regular Expresions - i.e. javascript string searchs etc
Bootstrap Studio
A full editor for working with the bootstrap framework - its £30 but well worth it
Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet
A well laid out, easy to find things, list of all bootstrap classes
Bootswatch - Themes
Pre-made themes for bootstrap or create your own
FontAwesome Icons Set
Easy to search and find the icon you need
HTML/CSS/JS Cheetsheets
Quick (& dirty!) build tools
IP and geolocation detection api's
QR Code Generator
A good free easy to use QR code generator output to various format including svg - various templates for creating wifi logins, bitcoin addresses, contact cards etc